номер 5 (страница 84) гдз по английскому языку 3 класс учебник Быкова, Дули, Поспелова часть 2
- английский язык 3 класс
- Издательство: Просвещение
- Тип книги: учебник
- Авторы: Быкова Н.И., Дули Д.Ж., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс В.В.
- Год издания: 2023, новый
- Серия: spotlight
- Часть: 2
- Страна учебника: Россия
- Москва
PART 2. Further Reading Practice.
учебник - cтраница 84.
№5 (часть 2, страница 84)
5 Прочитай слова и предложения сначала про себя, а потом вслух.
a beautiful horse
What a beautiful horse
What a beautiful horse you have, Simon!
This is Pam. Pam has something in her bag. “Pam, come back," Dad says. "What are you carrying in your bag?" “Nothing, Dad," Pam says. Then Dad opens Pam's bag. "What's that, Pam?" Dad asks Pam. "It's a cat, Dad," Pam says. “Can we keep it, Dad? Please!" "Oh, alright," says Dad and pats the cat.
This is Jake. Jake is waiting for the train. Jake likes to ride the train. Here comes the train. A crocodile is on the train. Is Jake safe? What do you say? Yes, Jake is safe. The crocodile likes to ride the train, too. Now Jake and the crocodile are riding the train together. That's great!
new, you, beautiful;a beautiful horse
What a beautiful horse
What a beautiful horse you have, Simon!
bag, back, dad, that, land, hand, track, carry, Pam, can, has, pat, cat;This is Pam. Pam has something in her bag. “Pam, come back," Dad says. "What are you carrying in your bag?" “Nothing, Dad," Pam says. Then Dad opens Pam's bag. "What's that, Pam?" Dad asks Pam. "It's a cat, Dad," Pam says. “Can we keep it, Dad? Please!" "Oh, alright," says Dad and pats the cat.
train, wait, great, late, safe, brave, Jake, say;This is Jake. Jake is waiting for the train. Jake likes to ride the train. Here comes the train. A crocodile is on the train. Is Jake safe? What do you say? Yes, Jake is safe. The crocodile likes to ride the train, too. Now Jake and the crocodile are riding the train together. That's great!
решение 1
решение 2
английский язык 3 класс - учебник, страница 84 номер 5
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