номер 6 (страница 52) гдз по английскому языку 6 класс тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА Ваулина, Подоляко
- английский язык 6 класс
- Издательство: Просвещение
- Тип книги: тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА
- Авторы: Ваулина Ю.Е., Подоляко О.Е.
- Год издания: 2023, новый
- Серия: spotlight
- Страна учебника: Россия
- ФГОС: Да
- Цвет обложки: зелёный
- Учебное пособие - тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ (ГИА)
- Москва, 12-е издание, переработанное
- Английский в фокусе (ОГЭ, ГИА)
Популярные гдз в 6 классе
№6 (страница 52)
6. Read the text and find the answers to the questions. Match questions 1-5 to paragraphs A-D. There is one question with no answer.
1. Why can teens work only part time?
2. Where do teens learn survival techniques?
3. What do Australian teens spend pocket money on?
4. When do Australian teens have all the rights of a grown-up person?
5. Who decides what subjects teens should study?
Teenage Life in Australia
A. Australians consider the ages of 12 to 17 as teenagers. After leaving school and turning 18 an Australian is an adult. Australians have a 13-year schooling system with a pre-school year. Students start primary school when they turn six and continue for seven years. High school begins in year 8 and continues through to year 12. The school year begins in January and ends in November or December when summer begins in Australia.
B. Each school decides how many subjects a student can take, somewhere between five and seven. English and Mathematics are compulsory. Students choose the subjects that will continue until graduation. Distance education can be arranged. Students living on the islands do all their schooling through distance education. Every school has a school uniform. Most uniforms are similar and differ in colour.
C. Many teens take part-time work at the local supermarkets, cafes or fast-food restaurants and big retailers. Big employers will provide training to teach teens the basics of regular work. Getting a job can help build the necessary skills. The workplace is somewhere teens can learn to communicate. Teens under 16 can't work more than 12 hours a week and their parents should give permission.
D. Sports are an integral part of all Australians' lives. With 80% of Australians living not far from the beach swimming lessons are compulsory. In high school students learn survival swimming and techniques. A trip to the ocean is always fun. There are many other activities for teens: football, cycling, skating, going to the movies. Unfortunately teenagers spend a great amount of time text-messaging and online chatting with their friends rather than with their family.
решение 1
решение 2
английский язык 6 класс - тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА, страница 52 номер 6
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