номер 6 (страница 115) гдз по английскому языку 6 класс тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА Ваулина, Подоляко

- английский язык 6 класс
- Издательство: Просвещение
- Тип книги: тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА
- Авторы: Ваулина Ю.Е., Подоляко О.Е.
- Год издания: 2023, новый
- Серия: spotlight
- Страна учебника: Россия
- ФГОС: Да
- Цвет обложки: зелёный
- Учебное пособие - тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ (ГИА)
- Москва, 12-е издание, переработанное
- Английский в фокусе (ОГЭ, ГИА)
Популярные гдз в 6 классе

№6 (страница 115)
6. Read the text. Find the answers to the questions. Match questions 1-5 to paragraphs A-D. There is one question with no answer.
1. Where could the friends have both fun and a picnic?
2. What helps people change their habits?
3. Where were they going to come back?
4. What scared the friends?
5. Where did the friends enjoy dancing and music?
A. I'll never forget my first visit to the Opera and Ballet Theatre. My friend and I wanted to see the famous ballet "Swan Lake" by Tchaikovsky. From the very first minute I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage. The costumes were fine. The dancing and music were thrilling. The ballet seemed to me a fairy tale. My friend also enjoyed every minute of it. When the curtain fell at the end of the performance, there came a storm of applause. It seemed that it would never end. We applauded enthusiastically. The performance was a great success.
B. Lucchese's Italian Restaurant was never a favourite of mine. But yesterday after Christmas shopping we went there, we ate and we loved it. The atmosphere was wonderful as well as the service and food. First of all, they gave a basket of fine Italian bread with a small bowl of oil. The pizza we ordered with sausage and mushrooms was perfect. The crust was thin but not too thin. There was plenty of good tomato sauce, which is important to me. Lucchese's is known for its fine Italian dishes. We definitely plan to go back again!
C. We went to the zoo at the weekend. The entrance to the zoo is an interesting opening with a waterfall. We booked ourselves into a lion safari. Once the visitors were seated in, the doors were locked and the safari started. The majestic animals were resting under the shade. It was fantastic! While waiting for the van back, we sat under a shady tree and had our lunch. It was fun, and just like a picnic. We saw grizzly bears, Bengali tigers, chimpanzees, giraffes and elephants. The aquarium was too crowded and so we missed it. Then we saw a white peacock dance. It spread its tail and allowed us to take photographs. It was actually posing for us. On the way home, we were all tired but happy.
D. Want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Staying fit is more than just looking good. This is a chance to change a person's whole life. Proper training, food, and facilities ensure that people are healthy, have more energy, and look the best. The right fitness plan is fun and it is effective. Living a healthy lifestyle means understanding how the body works and how to change one's habits: change one's diet and exercise routines. The best way to get in shape and stay healthy is to make this a routine. For example, climbing the stairs is a great way to lose weight.
решение 1

решение 2

английский язык 6 класс - тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА, страница 115 номер 6
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