номер 2 (страница 50) гдз по английскому языку 7 класс тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ Ваулина, Подоляко

- английский язык 7 класс
- Издательство: Просвещение
- Тип книги: тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ
- Авторы: Ваулина Ю.Е., Подоляко О.Е.
- Год издания: 2023, новый
- Серия: spotlight
- Страна учебника: Россия
- ФГОС: Да
- Учебное пособие
- Москва, 12-е издание, переработанное
- Анлийский в фокусе

№2 (страница 50)
2. Read the news story and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).
Teen Polyglot Has Mastered 23 Languages
New York teen Timothy Doner, has an unusual hobby - he likes to learn languages! And he does it so thoroughly (тщательно) that he can conduct a conversation in all of them. It took the 17-year-old five years to master 23 languages! This has earned him the title of the world's youngest polyglot. But he is still not satisfied.
The youngster's wish to learn languages began in 2009 after completing basic Hebrew (иврит) lessons. He enjoyed it so much that he decided to become fluent in modern Hebrew. Then he picked up Arabic. Within four days, he managed to master the alphabet and by the end of the week, he could read the language fluently. After that, there was no stopping him.
Over the years, he has added Russian, Farsi, Italian, Spanish, Persian, Swahili, Indonesian and many others to his repertoire of languages. The list does not include the ones that he has taken up at school, which include French, Mandarin, Latin and of course, English. The most amazing part is that he has managed to learn all the additional languages on his own, using just online apps (интернет-приложение) and grammar books.
The young polyglot begins by learning how to pronounce the alphabet correctly. Then he teaches himself the correct grammar. Then he develops his skills by reading newspapers and talking with native speakers, either in person or in internet chats. He is now in constant contact with a lot of polyglots. One of them is 31-year-old Ohio resident Moses McMormick, who knows 50 languages!
1. Timothy Doner was born in the USA.____
2. Timothy Doner is interested in learning only ancient languages.____
3. The boy started his hobby when he was 9.____
4. He can only read in most of the languages he knows.____
5. Timothy Doner was the youngest polyglot all over the world.____
6. He still wants to learn more languages.____
7. Hebrew was the first language in his hobby.____
8. Russian was the most difficult language to learn for Timothy.____
9. His parents help him a lot with his hobby.____
10. He has a lot of international pen-pals with the same hobby.____
решение 1

решение 2

английский язык 7 класс - тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ, страница 50 номер 2
Мы подготовили для вас ответ c подробным объяснением домашего задания по английскому языку за 7 класс, для упражнения номер 2 расположенного на странице 50 к тренировочным упражнениям в формате ОГЭ 2023 года издания для учащихся школ и гимназий.
Теперь на нашем сайте ГДЗ.ТОП вы всегда легко и бесплатно найдёте условие с правильным ответом на вопрос «Как решить ДЗ» и «Как сделать» задание по английскому языку к упражнению № 2 (с. 50), авторы: Ваулина Ю.Е., Подоляко О.Е., ФГОС, учебного пособия издательства Просвещение.