номер 3 (страница 92) гдз по английскому языку 7 класс тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ Ваулина, Подоляко

- английский язык 7 класс
- Издательство: Просвещение
- Тип книги: тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ
- Авторы: Ваулина Ю.Е., Подоляко О.Е.
- Год издания: 2023, новый
- Серия: spotlight
- Страна учебника: Россия
- ФГОС: Да
- Учебное пособие
- Москва, 12-е издание, переработанное
- Анлийский в фокусе

№3 (страница 92)
3. Read the text and choose the right options to complete the sentences.
Bolivia's Jazz Sensation Was Just Seven Years Old and Blind
Jose Andre Montano Baina took the world music scene by storm. Jose was just seven years old and was blind (слепой)! The young musician began to show signs of his great talent at the age of four when he started playing the drums. After mastering them, he quickly moved on to the piano and by the age of five formed a jazz trio! The young boy soon knew every jazz song in the book and could play them all with great ease. Jazz was not the only kind of music he enjoyed. He also loveed listening to blues, heavy metal, tango, bolero and anything in between! His extremely proud father said that he had nothing to do with his son's unusual talent. In fact he didn't even know much about jazz until Jose started to play. He believed the young boy was just born with a 'music chip' inside him! As for the young superstar he lived a pretty normal life despite all the fame. Just like the rest of children he went to school, did homework and yes, helped about the house as well!
As a young jazz pianist and composer he performed in his country and abroad. When he was asked what he would tell other children with disabilities, his advice was: "Every time a boy has a dream... he has to still dream it until it is real. If you don't dream you cannot get your goals".
1. The Bolivian young genius was a____.
a) singer
b) a musician
c) a dancer
2. Jose Andre was only seven and he couldn't____.
a) move
b) hear
c) see
3. By the age of five Jose Andre could play____.
a) several instruments
b) the drums
c) the piano
4. The young genius played____.
a) only jazz
b) preferably heavy metal
c) all types of music
5. His father was proud of him and was sure the boy____.
a) took after him
b) had an inborn talent
c) had good teachers
6. The talented boy____.
a) was very proud of his fame
b) lived an ordinary life
c) gave interviews day and night
7. His advice to other children with disabilities was____.
a) to have a dream and realize it
b) to have a hobby
c) to read more
решение 1

решение 2

английский язык 7 класс - тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ, страница 92 номер 3
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