номер 5 (страница 119) гдз по английскому языку 5 класс тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА Ваулина, Подоляко

- английский язык 5 класс
- Издательство: Просвещение
- Тип книги: тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА
- Авторы: Ваулина Ю.Е., Подоляко О.Е.
- Год издания: 2023, новый
- Серия: spotlight
- Страна учебника: Россия
- ФГОС: Да
- Цвет обложки: оранжевый
- Учебное пособие
- Москва, 12-е издание, переработанное
Популярные гдз

№5 (страница 119)
5. Read the text and choose the right item.
Paris is the most beautiful capital in Europe. It is also a capital of fashion. Paris is a historic capital; it is interesting for art lovers. If you visit Paris for the first time you must see the Eiffel Toyver, Notre Dame, the Champs de Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe. You can see the Eiffel Tower on many postcards, paintings, and stamps.
Paris is famous for its delicious food. Having dinner in one of the city's fine restaurants is unforgettable. The Parisians are proud of their city. Paris combines the old with the modern. Paris has its charm.
There are a lot of museums. Paris is also a popular shopping center. You can find designer shops. Boulevard Haussmann is the most famous shopping street.
1. Paris is the capital of___.
a) Notre Dame
b) France
c) Champs de Elysees
2. Paris is interesting for art lovers because of___.
a) restaurants
b) shops
c) museums
3. Paris is famous for___.
a) its food
b) modernism
c) parks
4. They say that the symbol of Paris is___.
a) the Arc de Triomphe
b) the Eiffel Tower
c) Haussmann
5. Paris has its own charm because___.
a) it's a new city
b) it combines the old and the modern
c) there are a lot of restaurants
6. ___so it is a popular shopping centre.
a) There are a lot of boutiques in Paris
b) Paris is the centre of fashion
c) Paris is famous for its restaurants
решение 1

решение 2

английский язык 5 класс - тренировочные упражнения в формате ГИА, страница 119 номер 5
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