ГДЗ по английскому языку 9 класс рабочая тетрадь Комарова, Ларионова

ГДЗ по английскому языку 9 класс Комарова, Ларионова, рабочая тетрадь Русское слово
  • английский язык 9 класс
  • Издательство: Русское слово
  • Тип книги: рабочая тетрадь
  • Авторы: Комарова Ю.А., Ларионова И.В.
  • Год издания: 2022-2023
  • Серия: инновационная школа
  • Страна учебника: Россия
  • ФГОС: Да
  • Цвет обложки: Розовый
  • для 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций
  • Москва, 9-е издание

Выберите задание

Starter unit

Unit 1. Fashion victims?

Vocabulary 1

Grammar 1

Vocabulary 2

Grammar 2

Grammar 1 and 2


Writing dossier

Dialogue builder


Extra practice 1

Unit 2. Great escapes

Vocabulary 1

Grammar 1

Vocabulary 2

Grammar 2

Grammar 1 and 2


Writing dossier

Dialogue builder


Extra practice 2

Unit 3. Crossing cultures

Vocabulary 1

Grammar 1

Vocabulary 2

Grammar 2

Grammar 1 and 2


Writing dossier

Dialogue builder


Extra practice 3

Unit 4. What next?

Vocabulary 1

Grammar 1

Vocabulary 2

Grammar 2

Grammar 1 and 2


Writing dossier

Dialogue builder


Extra practice 4

Unit 5. Our changing world

Vocabulary 1

Grammar 1

Vocabulary 2

Grammar 2

Grammar 1 and 2


Writing dossier

Dialogue builder


Extra practice 5

Unit 6. Express yourself

Vocabulary 1

Grammar 1

Vocabulary 2

Grammar 2

Grammar 1 and 2


Writing dossier

Dialogue builder


Extra practice 6

Unit 7. Against the odds

Vocabulary 1

Grammar 1

Vocabulary 2

Grammar 2

Grammar 1 and 2


Writing dossier

Dialogue builder


Extra practice 7

Unit 8. Let`s get together

Vocabulary 1

Grammar 1

Vocabulary 2

Grammar 2

Grammar 1 and 2


Writing dossier

Dialogue builder


Extra practice 8

Unit 9. Wonderful world

Vocabulary 1

Grammar 1

Vocabulary 2

Grammar 2

Grammar 1 and 2


Writing dossier

Dialogue builder


Extra practice 9

Extra contents

Grammar exercises 1

Grammar exercises 2

Grammar exercises 3

Grammar exercises 4

Grammar exercises 5

Grammar exercises 6

Grammar exercises 7

Grammar exercises 8

Grammar exercises 9

Vocabulary bank 1

Vocabulary plus 1. Adjectives for clothes and shoes

Vocabulary bank 2

Vocabulary plus 2. Emergency services

Vocabulary bank 3

Vocabulary plus 3. Communicating: verb + preposition

Vocabulary bank 4

Vocabulary plus 4. Places of work

Vocabulary bank 5

Vocabulary plus 5. Politics

Vocabulary bank 6

Vocabulary plus 6. Art materials

Vocabulary bank 7

Vocabulary plus 7. Health problems and disabilities

Vocabulary bank 8

Vocabulary plus 8. Describing people

Vocabulary bank 9

Vocabulary plus 9. Architecture

Culture today